Sunday 14 May 2017

Summit: A Peek Experience

In The Beginning Was The Light...
...well, there was 'Summit' the new 3-act experience created by Andy Smith, bringing enlightenment to the audience at The Spire, at Brighton Festival 2017; a story-within-a-story-within-a-story.  A meeting to which we were privy; coming together to discuss the crisis. What crisis? Imagine. There's always crisis, or impending crisis. What's important is collectively taking responsibility: risk assessment; preparation; contingency plans; back-up plans; talking; listening; understanding; negotiating; co-operating; fact-finding; solution-seeking....being ready should the lights go out. The lights go out. It's what they do repeatedly - in life; in this production. We need to be on the same page: speak the same language....Therein lies the problem.

 I Think He's Trying to Tell Us Something....
Fast forward 1,000 years; replay the same old story: history repeats itself. Go back 5 yrs; return to the present: it's amazing what we can be achieve in an hour, if we all set our minds to it. But it's a strange state of affairs when a story's animatedly recounted in sign language. The hearing among us, captivated, but totally in the dark about what was actually being said: an interesting vicarious experience. Point well made.
The same story, told in 3 different languages; one I couldn't even identify. Each story very eloquent expressed, but what of use is that if we 'don't speak the same language'? Words aren't enough; only understanding makes the difference, the 'in' that begins the necessary switch from 'in-difference'. The Tower of Babel myth is about the destructive consequence of global arrogance - they were unprepared when the lights went out: plunging the world into the darkness that lack of understanding brings.  
There's an evolution of language within the delivery: a little bit Janet-&-John; a little bit Gertrude Stein; syntax - shot to pieces in verbal strobe-effect speech. 'Your lips are moving, but....' Hesitancy. Choosing one's words carefully. Making sense. Getting our heads around the issue at hand - from every angle. Trying to read the signs. The signs are there....
The signs are always there. (Do you read me? Copy). Perspective. Getting the right angle on things: looking around; looking ahead; looking back. Being present (and correct). It's about time; and it's about time we paid attention; become more aware of the part we all play in taking responsibility for where we're at & where we're headed, so we can pre-empt & prevent potential future disaster(s). In the far future 'we are more'; it could be that we have, as was stated, better communication; education; understanding; trust; respect; less division; global & financial domination; hierarchy; privatisation; devastation; more or less.
The summit of the story is - the summit - where we all were collectively at that time; our being present; meeting together. Experiencing enlightenment. The world is, in effect one big summit meeting, where we don't all speak the same language. But, just think, if we could rewind time - go back - 5 years - start again. Correct any mistakes; any mis-takes. Get it right. Learn from the past. Learn what we can now - Now before the lights go - !
Summit is Now. Summit is Current. Summit, like history, like a bad dream, repeats itself, until we 'get it'. Summit is a clever summation of the part we ourselves play in the process of 'getting it' - our collective responsibility to wake up & 'get' the message our messes can teach us. We're all in it together: times we're in the dark; times we're more enlightened. Theory, posturing, mouthing words, paying lip-service, going through the motions: none of that's enough. We need comprehension, lived understanding: lightbulb moments!
 Final photo: Andy Smith talking with Louise Blackwell - co-director of Fuel - the company that produced 'Summit'

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